Wurch Electric is a Insured and licensed electricians serving Winnipeg and surrounding areas

Monday, July 27th, 2015


Wurch Electric Logo Single 1

We provide commercial, residential and industrial electrical solutions to all types of electrical work. Some of our services include:

  • service upgrades
  • knob and tube removal
  • ballast changes
  • Home Reno’s
  • Office Reno’s
  • telephone cabling
  • data cabling
  • lighting solutions
  • emergency repairs
  • Service Maintance

Wurch Electric has been in business for only twenty two years, but our team of five has over a combined 35 years of experience as electricians in Winnipeg. We are well versed in all building and maintenance codes in Winnipeg and guarantee that your electrical work will meet all local codes and regulations.
Wurch Electric Electric Panel 2014Overwired panel

If you’re planning for new construction or adding an addition,needing nob and tube replaced,  make sure the electrical is done right the first time .

If you’re looking for a Quality Winnipeg electricians call Wurch Electric today for a free quote on your project !

Wurch Electric Annual BBQ Party Celebrating a 20 year Employee

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

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Each Year Wurch Electric takes time to host his annual BBQ for his staff.

Workers of Wurch 2014 - 3

This year Sept 26,2014 was going to be a special day. Since one of his employee has worked for him for 20 years.
Stan Kern join Wurch Electric 20 years ago and has been a great asset to the company.

20 year cake for Stan

Stan 20 years with Wurch ElectricStan with his Wife

Stan put out a challenge to Don that he could move more gum balls then Don using a straw.
As you will notice employee always try to get the upper hand on there boss.

Stan cheating against the Boss to WIN

The evening was a success with great employee who put a hard work to keep Wurch Electric on top.

 Workers of Wurch 2014 - 1

Thanks again for making this a great evening

Should You Replace Old Wiring ?

Monday, November 4th, 2013

If your house was built more than 40 years ago, replace old electrical wiring for safety.


Replace Your Home Wiring Old Electrical Wiring Replacement
An outlet is ungrounded, and should be updated, if it only accommodates two-prong plugs. Image: Liz Foreman

Old wiring—even knob and tube wiring that dates back to the early 20th century—isn’t inherently dangerous, but unless you were around when the house was built, you can’t be sure the electrical system is up to code. Plus, materials such as wire insulation can deteriorate over time.

Safety issues with old wiring

Faulty wiring is the leading cause of residential fires, according to a 2009 study by the National Fire Prevention Association. And the older your house is, the greater the chances that old wiring might be outdated or unsafe.

If you don’t know the condition of your wiring, it’s worth paying a licensed electrician to inspect your electrical system. Expect to pay $150 to $300 for this service.

A good reason to consider replacing old wiring, aside from electrical home safety, is that some insurance carriers may refuse to insure houses with older electrical systems, or they may insist owners pay higher premiums.

Warning signs of outdated, old wiring

  • Breakers trip or fuses blow regularly.
  • A tingling sensation when you touch a wall switch, appliance, or receptacle.
  • Dimming and flickering lights.
  • A burning smell in a particular room or from an appliance.
  • Discolored outlets and switch plates that are warm to the touch.
  • Ungrounded outlets throughout the house (ungrounded outlets accommodate only two-prong plugs).
  • A lack of ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets in your bathrooms, your kitchen, and other areas that may be exposed to damp and wet conditions.
  • Your house was built more than 40 years ago.

Dangers of aluminum wiring

Some houses built in the 1960s and early 1970s have aluminum wiring instead of the standard copper wire. Aluminum wiring is considered a safety hazard because wiring connections may loosen up over time. Tiny gaps between the wiring and connectors may lead to overheating and possibly fires, especially when appliances and lighting fixtures are plugged into them.

A qualified electrician can inspect your home’s wiring to determine if it’s OK to leave your existing wiring in place. The addition of copper connectors, called pigtails, at circuit breakers and receptacles usually resolve potential problems with older aluminum wiring.

Upgrading to newer receptacles and wall switches also help prevent problems.

Pat Curry   Serial remodeler Pat Curry is a former senior editor at Builder, the official magazine of the National Association of Home Builders, and a frequent contributor to real estate and home-building publications.



Information that is being provide is for Educational Purpose, Any electric work that is needing to be done, should be done by a Licensed Electrician.

Don’t break the bank this fall and winter

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

(NC) If you could save money this fall and winter with just a few simple solutions, you would – wouldn’t you? It’s impossible to know what the colder seasons will bring this year, but instead of waiting to find out, prepare yourself now with an easy, do-it-yourself project: home weatherization. Follow these few quick fixes to ready your home – and keep your heating bill down in the cooler months ahead.

• Winterize windows: With so many edges and gaps, windows are a prime spot for energy loss. For an inexpensive fix, use a plastic window film to keep the cold air out. Crystal-clear Duck brand Roll-On Window Kits come with a pre-taped top edge for easy installation, and they’re easy to remove. When the warm weather returns, simply pull them off.

Avoid door draft:. Cracks and gaps around doors can let cold air in and warm air out. To block out the winter wind, install an insulating door seal made of rubber or foam. For interior doors, one solution is the Double Draft Seal from Duck brand, which has a patent-pending design that hugs the door from both sides for two levels of protection against drafts. For interior or exterior doors, try the brand’s Triple Draft Seal. Its inner seal helps retain room temperature, an outer seal blocks drafts and bottom fins help keep out moisture and water. For the perimeter of the door, use a seal made of heavy-duty EPDM rubber – these won’t freeze or crack in extremely cold temperatures.

Look for hidden air leaks: Electrical sockets and light switches can be an unexpected source of drafts through walls. Install flame retardant, Duck brand Socket Sealers behind socket and switch covers to keep cold air out.

Check your outdoors: Don’t forget to make sure you backyard is also prepared. Cover patio furniture to prevent rust, store the grill in the garage if you can and make sure you have plenty of shovels and salt for when the snow falls.

With a simple weatherization approach, you can stay warm and save on your heating bill when fall and winter roll in. More information is available at www.duckbrand.com

Source: www.newscanada.com

Information that is being provide is for Educational Purpose, Any electric work that is needing to be done, should be done by a Licensed Electrician.

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